SMTMC first workshop about related topics in maintenance

WORKSHOP RELATED TOPICS IN MAINTENANCE 2nd March 12.00 CET/13.00 EET MSTeams meeting PROGRAM (CET Times) 12:00 – 12:15 – SM-TMC a step forward in maintenance engineering, Hamdi KESSENTINI, Institut Supérieur de Gestion Industrielle de Sfax, Tunisia 12:15 – 12:30 – Scanning and inspection of mechanical parts using GOM systems, Viorel…

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CBHE projects in Tunisia

Cluster meeting 11 January 2022: “Erasmus+ 2015-2020 : Impact of CBHE projects in Tunisia As part of the dissemination of the European Erasmus+ CBHE projects #SMTMC “South Mediterranean Tunisian Maintenance Center of Excellence”

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SMTMC @ Medibat 2021

Presentation of the SMTMC project at the international fair organized by the Sfax Chamber of Commerce from October 06 to 09, 2021 in the presence of Tunisian and African companies

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