SM-TMC: IAMQS National roll out in Tunisa / SM-TMC: Déploiement national IA

SM-TMC: IAMQS National roll out in Tunisa / SM-TMC: Déploiement national IA [FR] Evénement qui mettra l’accent sur la sensibilisation dans le domaine de la FA en Tunisie et la discussion sur l’état de l’art de cette technologie dans le pays, avec différentes parties prenantes. Présentation du Centre d’Excellence de…

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A new project to promote Excellence Training in Maintenance in South Mediterranean Countries (SM-TMC)

South Mediterranean Tunisian Maintenance Centre of Excellence (SM-TMC) is a project that addresses the employability of academic and technical staff and aims to improve their living conditions through a new education and training framework by interacting with the socio-economic sector. To achieve these objectives, the SM-TMC will focus on stablishing…

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