This activity aims at providing a model for the Tunisian
Maintenance Centre and developing Instruments to implement it in the Tunisian academic and industrial environment. The national conditions will be carefully considered. Working groups with participation from academy and industry is established.

the STMTMC, Stakeholder database has been established in the first year of the project. The link is below

Framework agreements with employers’ structures in Tunisia have been signed:

  • UTICA (Union tunisienne de l’industrie, du commerce et de l’artisanat)
  • UMPI (union des petites et moyennes industries)
  • CONNECT ( Confédération des Entreprises Citoyennes de Tunisie )
  • CRNS Centre de recherche en Numérique de Sfax
  • Sfax Industrie 4.0 Center
  • Mecadev (cluster Mécanique )

The SMTMC center will be also accredited by our partner EWF as ANB. The center can deliver training and certification in Maintenance and Additive manufacturing.

Educational maintenance programme structure has been established

  • University of Sfax: Higher Institute of Industrial management: Master in management and maintenance of industrial systems
    (accreditation accepted by the ministry on September 2022
    Courses Started on September 2022)
  • University of Gabes: The Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Gabès (ISSATG): Master in electromechanics
    (accreditation accepted by the ministry on September 2022
    Courses Started on September 2022)
  • University of Jendouba: Engineering cycle in Vehicle and Machinery Technology (Ongoing)
  • University of Cartage: National Engineering School of Bizerte: Master in Maintenance Engineering
    new creation accepted by the ministry in October 2022.

The training maintenance programme structure has been established according to the table below. European partners have ensured the training for the Tunisian partners

The actual workforce skills and the present situation and the future progress are the prerequisite for the development of the TMC-VET programme. Industrial needs are reflected by the various qualification types and levels that will be selected in this activity. Summary of requirements for maintenance certification. A survey is prepared for systematic data collection and processing. The survey and its results are presented in the report D1.3 (see below)

The curricula has been developed according to the methodology formulated at D1.3 and to Tunisian needs and taking into consideration European standards for education in maintenance. The curriculum contain basic subjects, competence maintenance courses and general courses in culture and business. The curricula has been adapted for each university needs. In addition, modernization of curricula to take into account the progress made in industry.

Syllabuses and Educational material has been established and published on the websites of each university.

Sfax university (14 students enrolled)

Jendouba university (22 Students enrolled, 9 women)

Gabes university (26 students enrolled)

Cartage university (30 students enrolled, 18 women)

Curricula and Syllabus for three levels of qualification are developed. The training forms and tools are established in this deliverable. Test, examination and evaluation mechanisms are formulated. Training programmes are defined. The essential part of training curricula is the comprehensible specification of learning outcomes for theoretical and practical courses. The preparation for qualification tests is also part of curricula.

Development of learning resources for theoretical education and fundamental practical skills. The training material will be available on the TMC Knowledge Platform

Courses in three subject will be organized for staff for industry. Staff from several companies will be reqruited for theses courses

The quality plan has been set including the different methods that will be deployed to check the status of the project. The external quality evaluator has been appointed.

Surveys have been done for the training and meetings.

Quality and Evaluation Plan The work illustrates the main methods used for quality checks.

An external expert has been recruited for assessing externally and monitor the SM-TMC project activities and its outcomes

WEB page has been established:

Workshop industry 4.0, Hammamet 19, 2022

  • Creation of Social media accounts (done)
  • publication at us news of the University of Sfax (done)
  • Participation in the Medibat exhibition from 06 to 09 October 2021 (done)
  • Participation on EDUCON2022 – IEEE World Conference on Engineering Education (done)
  • Participation in the business fair in Sfax – june 2022 (done)
  • participation@ Univexpo 2022 (done)

TMC-Knowledge Platform has been performed. About 894 people are enrolled in the platform until 27 December 2022. The link of the platform is below :

The strategy during and after the end of the project will be defined. The business plan considers the organization and the activities in the Maintenance centre

Two papers have been published in international conferences :

  • Title: The SM-TMC (South Mediterranean Tunisian Maintenance Centre of Excellence) project
    Author(s): Lastra Cid, René; Diaz-Cacho, Miguel; Pereira Domínguez, Alejandro; Marcos Acevedo, Jorge; Garea Oya, Eva; Belhaj, Mohamed
  • Title: PBL strategy for Learning Maintenance Engineering
    Author(s): Alejandro Pereira Domínguez, René Lastra Cid, Jorge Marcos Acevedo, Miguel Diaz-Cacho



The TMC-ORG is an important component of the SM-TMC project.

The organization is formed during the first period of the project. The TMC-ORG is responsible to organize and control all educational and training resources in maintenance engineering. In TMC-ORG, university staff will work together with company staff to develop and implement curricula for education and training.


The deliverable is concerning the selection, commissioning and installation of the equipment at PC Universities. The equipment will provide the necessary infrastructure reflecting the high level of manufacturing technology. Equipment for technology and industrial equipment will be acquired. Technicians and teachers will be trained. The equipment will be used in the future for both teaching and research works. Students will perform their projects according to curricula.

The activity has involved a deep analysis of lab equipment for the Master and new courses developed within SMTMC project. The analysis has been complex since project partners belong to different scientific background areas and SMTMC is a new topic at international levels with small companies that are able to supply proper equipment. With respect to the initial plan of equipment, in terms of typologies, the final choice has been fully in line. All partners have launched and closed the tenders. The purchase procedure is concluded before the end of December 2022. All the invoices are received and paid. The equipment are received by the 4 Tunisian universities.
The list of equipment is presented in the table below :



Project Management ensure that the project objectives and deliverables are fulfilled within the contractual time, budget and quality standards. D7.1 organise meetings; monitor progress of the project; prepare reports for submission to EC.
The grant agreement has been signed on June 21, 2021. The final rules of the project has been first explained during a virtual meeting
The partnership agreement is a multi-lateral document that was signed by the latest partner on July 2021.

Preparation of tools and supports for the management and monitoring of project results
Setting up a bi-monthly meeting by videoconference between the different partners and the SMTMC project coordination

  • Preparation of report and meeting outline
  • Design of an annual timeline
  • Creation of an Intranet space for the consortium of SMTMC partners
  • Establish the project administration and methodologies for integrating academic-exploitation-training activities.
  • Plan, organise and record project meetings.
  • Monitor progress of the project from financial points of view to
    enable efficient reporting/updating of the working plan.

In 2021, Sfax university organized all the meetings as virtual meeting as detailed above.


Online, 23-24 March 2021

Pedagogical committee meeting

Online, 15 April 2021

Steering committee meeting

Online, 17 September 2021

Pedagogical commitee

Online, 20 October 2021

Steering committee meeting

Online, 13 December 2021

Steering committee meeting

Online, 1 Mars 2022

In 2022, Sfax university organized the meetings in face to face and as virtual meeting as detailed above.

Type of meeting

Place, date

Steering committee meeting

Tunis, 28-29 Mars 2022

Steering committee meetingOnline, 8 November 2022
Steering committee meetingHammamet, 20 December 2022

Development of the project Management Handbook