Alejandro Pereira


Associate professor at University of Vigo, PhD


Dr. Alejandro Pereira start his technical career such as Industrial Engineer in the factory of Citroën Hispania S.A., (Currently Stellantis S.A). He develop procedures in the department of manufacturing quality from 1990 up 1992. His academic career begin as University School Assistant and Associate T2TC (1992-2001). He received his Ph.D. degree in Industrial Engineering, specialized in design and manufacturing, from University of Vigo in 2001(Spain).

Since 2003, he is associate professor at University of Vigo, where he is teaching manufacturing processes and production systems. Since 2005, to 2010 he was the director of the Department of Design in Engineering. His current research interests are focused in topics related with 3D Additive manufacturing, surface metrology, applied to manufacturing process, robotics programming, CADCAM and machining technologies. He is the head of the research group of manufacturing Engineering group (GEF).